Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mindwinter Tea and Other Festivites.

First term is coming to a close and it couldn't happen too soon. I have one exam left to write tomorrow. It's chem and it's going to be brutal but I'm not going out without a fight and a lot of procrastination.

Seeing that the term is almost over we must celebrate! unfortunately the celebrating isn't going to start for another two weeks with out FEBRUARY BREAK. I hated the idea of it at the beginning of the year, I mean what am I going to do for two week? FREE CONCERTS THAT'S WHAT. I'm so pumped! party all day, party all night. chill with cool people and maybe even have some coffee with a certain bearded boy who shall not be named (SO PHYSCED.). It's going to be crazy

Of course me and my friends need a good end to this break so the weekend after it's all done and over we're having a tea party. A nice civilized afternoon where we sit around a table dressed in our Sunday best sippin tea and eating sweets. I might be more excited for this than any of the concerts. This summer for my birthday I had a tea party and it was a major success so I have high expectations for this gathering of awesomeness.

I'M SO EXCITED. Back to studying.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

snow snow go away, if you do die I may.

That might not make much sense but away and day rhyme and that's whats really important. Can't have a lame blog without somewhat interesting titles now can we?

Yesterday we got hit by a snow storm and everyone was convinced that we wouldn't have school but for once our city pulled through and everything was opened today. Go figure. I was sure that we were going to have school. About an hour in t switched from small flakes to big flakes and you know what they say, Small flakes big snow, Big flakes small snow. That might only be for the Atlantic Provinces but whatever. FUN FACT! The Atlantic Provinces statistically speaking get more snow annually than any of the other province in Canada. It doesn't seem like it if you live here because it comes and goes so fast but it's still something to say. Our weather is really weird.

Exams are in two weeks. I'm so nervous there are no words for it. I have visions of chemical equations gone wrong, skips stepped in proof and beats missed while conducting. I can't wait for this month to be over. 

On the bright side I might get an exemption! WOOO! GOOD BYE PRECAL! But I need to double check that >.>. I also got my schedaul for next semester. Global History, Physics, Band/off and Calculus. Terrifying. My friend Ashley from Chem/precal is in my physics and calculus class and a lot a lot of my friends are in my Global class so it should be a great time.

I wish exams would hurry up and get here so I could get them over with and move on with my life. They're such a bother.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Nevermind. I don't feel like writing.

Today when I woke up I was feeling really optimistic about everything. Life in general was good. It went on the down hill slide after that. I was going to tell you that I'm sorry about complaining all the time and about my goals and my accomplishments that I made this week. But that all went down the tubes when i read into the dreaded wall of homework and self pity which is also know as ever sunday of ever. I mean really? whats so great about all this? nothing.

Another bad post for another bad day. When I get home from sax ensemble tomorrow I will write something happy. Maybe. If not, I apologize for being such a downer every single day of ever.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Stress Relief Day.

The lovely administration at my oh so wonderful school decided that we needed to learn how to be less stress. Great idea right? Wrong.

They had a cutesy assembly first period (my off block) which I opted out of (as in I hid in the band room) but from what I've heard I didn't miss much. By much I mean nothing at all. That was cool. It gave me a chance to do some much needed practicing on various instruments and I got to relax. My bestie wanted to go to the assembly but she didn't want to go alone so I think she's a little irked that I would rather practice that sit through something that I don't need to hear but my mother says I suck at reading people so maybe not. To be fair I did ditch her at lunch as well for some homework. That I lost, found and didn't finish. I'm such a great student. Instead of actually doing what I should I decided that playing more Fantsies Impromptu would be much more fun. And it was until Nick came. He said I sounded great but it makes me nervous when people watch me practicing. Ms. D and Mander are completely different because they're more like family than friends but normal people? They can't hear my mistakes.

Seeing that I didn't go to the assembly I got all morning band because as part of the "stress relief" we needed to do activities that are suppose to make us feel good and Ms. D (who is obvs my band teacher if you haven't picked up on that yet) was having a sight reading session so being the huge band geek I am when I found that out my name was all over it in big block letters (trying to deture all those who aren't at the same level as me from coming so we might actually be able to read through something interesting (also known as hard). My efforts were in vain because a whole bunch of grade 10's came and we got stuck sight reading easy stuff but I suppose that's alright. It wasn't a challenge and if I looked at it one more time it would be perfect. Apparently one of them might be one of our pieces for Disney so I'm kinda glad I got that sneak peek at it. It might be helpful later.

I have band again tonight (surprise surprise!) which is either going to be 1.) terrible, 2.) awkward, 3.) almost okay or a combination of 1 and 2 or 2 and 3 depending on how things go with a certin person WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED. really? A scene kid? Over me? How very very lame (coming from the queen of lameness herself that's a hugeee insult just fyi)

Whenever I write these I always feel so narcissistic. Oh well!

So I found this on BOOOOOOOM! today and I thought you might like it. I don't know what I think of the music yet but the pics are defs awesome. It's up there in hipster hypnotizing videos! I hope you all wake up in plaid with cool hair.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Years Blue

everyone always thinks the new year is a great time of year. You get to start with a clean state, fix old friendships, make new ones and reinvent yourself (Like I need a specific time of the year to do that..). But there are the unfortunate few of us who instead of feeling rejuvenated feel a gnawing feeling in our guts that something isn't right or something isn't good enough. Yes, my friends, I speak of the dreaded new years blues.

this is not so dissimilar to the equally horrible February blues because although February is the shortest month in our calendar it always feels the longs thus we all get stuck with the blues. I think it has a lot to do with the lack of sun and the abundance of darkness that surrounds us for the month but I digress. I'm stuck in a rut where all I can think about is "how can this year be any better than the last?". I mean, the last year hasn't been that great but if the last few months are an indicator of the way the next 12 months are going to be things aren't looking up. Never before have I been so busy, stressed, forgetful, irritable, angsty and generally hard to get along with and it's starting to bother me. But whenever I try to fix it and be a better person I just get frustrated with the idiots around me and go back to my ways of storming through the halls, pushing people out of my way and keeping to myself for the most part.

Today was my first full day back at school and my work load as already accumulated enough to make me want to go crawl into my bed. I mean really, your first day back should send you running for the hill should it? Whats worse is that I can't focus for more than a few minutes (this is really hard to write because I keep on looking at other things and it's just not good). So with that lovely combination of not being able to focus and piles of homework I can just feel the pressure mounting in my head.

I would say I need some nice relaxing music but I have plenty of that. So I think I'm going to curl up for a bit and listen to some Wintersleep and maybe get some sleep. I hope your new year is going way better than mine.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Whenever I try I fail.

So this morning when I woke up I was really dreading going to school but looking forward to English class for once in my life for two reasons 1.) I can finally return the books that Mrs. Abbass lent me that I finished reading over the break and 2.) I bought new clothes and washed them last night and I thought that certain hipsters in my class might finally notice me.  I was all ready. I showered, I didn't sleep on my hair, I had my skirt just right and my docs where laced perfectly. I get to school FIFTEEN MINUTES INTO PRECAL THEY SEND ME HOME. Apparently the school's water main broke? Go figure. I mean I'm glad I had an extra day to chill, read and listening to new music that me and my bestie Amanda found but I really wanted to go to English, REALLY BADLY.

I went to visit my band teacher this morning (because I'm a band geek) and she has a really good sense of style and she said I looked really cute and everyone said it looked great so I'm pretty sure that English class would have went over well for me but not I have to wait a whole week to try again (because I can't wear the same thing in one week.)

What do you think? I think it's lovely. I really like the picture of my docs. Whenever I see it it makes my heart all warm and fuzzy and whatnot.

This is my new favourite band. They're called Freelance Whales and they're amazing I mean look at how cute they look!

How can you not love that?

Well I have to go to band (against my will. I'm not to pleased. I'd like to have another week off from it but whatever.) Have a splendid time falling in love!


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Scissors lizzards

Christmas break is coming to an end and it's been a pretty decent time. I got to chill with my friends and I spent a lot of time with my family AND I GOT A PAIR OF DOC MARTENS! They're beautiful.

Of course, seeing that I have spare time, I spent the majority of it shifting through the internet trying to find cool pictures for tumblr and trying to put looks together for the dreaded lookbook and so far I actually posted one thing -le gasp-

Aren't I love? yes? no? yea...I know I'm not >.>
oh well.

So stumbleupon is the main way I find all the weird things I find. you hit stumble over and over agian and you're bound to find something great right? My latest find is a photo blog called scissors It's neat. My fav picture so far has been this:

Because I have sooooo much street cred >.>

anyways I hope you all had a lovely holiday season and a happy new year!<3