Wednesday, September 12, 2012

[untitled 2]

I like to think that I'm getting better at life.  I really do like to think this with all my heart. Unfortunatly, the world often tends to disagree with me.

Throughout the pats 4 or 5 years I've become a worse student, though I am more knowledgeable, lost a lot of friends and became a worse friend, though the friends I've kept I'm really close to, less accepting, though more open, and have much less emotions in some sense.

I was under the impression that my writing had improved greatly over the course of the past year, but I have been mistaken. According to my new english prof I don't even know what sentence structure is which is why I can't understand commas.

I was under the impression that my spelling had greatly improved over the last 5 years, but this year I have also found out that I was, again, mistaken. I can't spell very well at all, and I'm even worse at spelling in French.

I was under the impression that I was smarter, but, surprise surprise, I was mistaken. I know less than ever. But the reason I know this is because I know more than I knew before. Yeah?

Anyways, it's been a terribly depressing start of term, realizing all the short comings and spending hours sitting by myself in odd locations because I don't know anyone. Being too bored to study but to guilty not to. I feel like I should at least try to work but when I do I find it tedious and boring. There's no winning.

Half of me wishes it was summer again and half of me wishing that it was last year again and yet another half of me wishes that I was in a void where neither of the other halves have to worry about anything because nothing exists outside of me.

This has been poorly written and I apologize.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day One

So today was utterly fantastic.

I've spent a while thinking about how to write this out because I want to share it all with me but every time I start I seem to end at a loss of words.

I guess, as always, the best place to start is the beginning.

My bus ride was really good this morning. It still comes at the same time and everything is wonderful. I'm really excited for the new terminal to open though. It looks really awesome. I'll be able to ride the bus with even more comfort now.

I got to school 2 hours before my first class so I read a bit and bummed around and saw some people that I knew but it really wasn't that exciting.

I had French first which was really scary. My prof seems really nice and I like her a lot, but I don't know anyone in the class and I'm really bad at french. She spent a great deal of time talking about whether we really belonged in this class or not seeing that it's meant for beginners and I'm really worried that she might not think that I belong there when I really really do. French really scares me, a lot of things really scare me. I think that if only for the sake of my sanity I should be able to start at the easiest level. My last experience with French really made me doubt my knowledge a lot mostly because my teacher was so horrible. Even if this turns out not to be the right course for me, I think it will really help me build my confidence in my ability to speak whatever little bit of French I can which makes it worth it in my mind at least.

I was really worried about Astronomy because it's right after French and they were in different buildings. Turns out it only takes me 4 minutes to get there and I have a total of 10. WHO KNEW.

Anyways, Astronomy is seriously awesome. My prof introduced himself by speaking Klingon and then proceeded to talk about lots of cool physics stuff. When he said that we needed a scientific calculator and had to do math I could feel all the arts kids cringing. I'm really excited. I really missed physics last year. I think this is going to be really good.

Between Astronomy and HOST I had an hour break so I went to track down one of my friends and eat my lunch. He's doing FYP this year and so far he's really enjoying it. He's finding it intimidating but I'd be worried if he didn't. Turns;postID=695261627683705249 out he has one of my favourite tutors as his main tutor and I'm really excited because I know that they'll both get along well.

When I was walking with Nick to his tutorial another one of my old profs stopped me in the hall to talk. It terrified me a little, but in a good way. I'm just not used to people knowing who I am and being interested in me because most of the time they aren't. Especially someone who I respect (and fear) so much. But it was a good conversation and I didn't run away so all is well.

I had a little bit more of a wait for my HOST class but when it finally started IT WAS AWESOME. There's 14 other people in the class so it's really small which means we get some one on one time with the prof which is really awesome. One of my close friends from last year is in that class with me which is really exciting because it means that we'll still see each other frequently. As a class, today wasn't particularly interesting and we got let out early.

My friend, her roommate and I went to take care of some errands after that, picking up the odds and ends of books which we had neglected to get which was good. Then we went to their apartment and played with the cat and then played cards. It was really fun.

Then I went home and did some more things for class and wrote this.

My life is really exciting.

This year has started out well.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Summer to Autum to School.

So, it's been a while since I've blogged. I feel like I start every entry like this so I figured why stop now? I have the usual excuses for neglecting this book: I was busy and I didn't have anything to write. Not good excuses but excuses all the same.

It's that time of year again. Back to school, back to reading, back to blogging about nothing in particular. I thought that to start of this lovely school year I should share my summer with you first so that you can all know where I'm at and where I'm going.

April was alright, it was stressful because I wasn't being very successful at finding a job. I had an interview with UPS that went really well and was scheduled to have a second interview when I heard from Climate Technical Gear (formally Helly Hanson Canada Limited) who was offering me full time summer employment thanks to my mother's good friend. Needless to say that I took that job and starting working on the first Thursday of May.

May was good. I worked a lot. I spent a lot of money. It was good.

June had its normal disappointments. My birthday was a mild success. Someone who I wanted to go didn't, people who I didn't want to go did, and I got to see my best friends and had my first legal drink. My brother often jokes about me being an alcoholic now because I often drink martini's, Tequila Sunrises, wine or beer on the weekends with my parents. It's cute. I think that he just feels left out, but he'll get there soon enough.

Nothing of note happened in July.

In August I went camping with my family one weekend and spent one weekend home alone with the dog. I went to see two Shakespeare plays (Titus Andronicus and The Merry Wives of Windsor) both put on by Shakespeare by the Sea. They were both wonderful. I actually saw The Merry Wives of Windsor twice, once with my aunt, uncle and grandmother and once with my family. My Aunt and Uncle from B.C. have taken another year off and they are currently visiting us before leaving on a trip with my Grandmother and other Aunt somewhere in Europe (though they don't know where yet) and my Grandmother is thinking of getting another cat when she comes home because Maurise disappeared (it was very depressing and I'd rather not talk about it).

Although September has just started it's been a fairly busy month in my house. I've gotten all ready for school, got my bus pass and locker at my school, cleaned my room and fish tank, have prepared to get new fish and bought new pants. I'm not nearly ready to go back yet though even though tomorrow is the big day. I'm still really nervous because I didn't really talk to any of my friends all summer and I'm worried that they aren't really my friends anymore, not that that really matters much for my anxiety about class because none of them are really in any of my classes so I'll be drowning on my own.

I've read a lot in the last week so there have been quite a few updates on the book blog. I would encourage you to check them out if you're a book person. I think they're relatively decent and if not I'd appreciate the feedback.

I'd ask you all how your summer's went but you rarely answer

I'm sure you'll all be hearing from me soon.