So! It's been a long time since I've actually written anything blog related. Guess what that means! CATCHUPTIME!
I finished FYP (yay) and I have a B average (yay)! I have a job and I had lots of money but then I spent it all which I wasn't suppose to do because I'm suppose to be saving to pay for university (awwh). I'm 19! That's actually not that exciting.
Today I realized that I may be the most boring person to walk the earth. I was trying to decide whether to read, watch fringe, play the sims or float around the internet and I couldn't decided. Normal people my age might have gone out with friends or something like that. Me? Nope.
I'm actually really behind on my reading. I'm only halfway through the book I'm reading and I haven't really touched it over the last few weeks because I've been going out a lot and playing the sims more than I should. I have a lot of problems.
I don't really know what I wanted to write about anymore and this is a weird missmash of things.
So sorry.
I finished FYP (yay) and I have a B average (yay)! I have a job and I had lots of money but then I spent it all which I wasn't suppose to do because I'm suppose to be saving to pay for university (awwh). I'm 19! That's actually not that exciting.
Today I realized that I may be the most boring person to walk the earth. I was trying to decide whether to read, watch fringe, play the sims or float around the internet and I couldn't decided. Normal people my age might have gone out with friends or something like that. Me? Nope.
I'm actually really behind on my reading. I'm only halfway through the book I'm reading and I haven't really touched it over the last few weeks because I've been going out a lot and playing the sims more than I should. I have a lot of problems.
I don't really know what I wanted to write about anymore and this is a weird missmash of things.
So sorry.
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