Monday, June 11, 2012


In the last year or so I changed a lot or at least I think I have. Maybe not a lot but enough.

I use to think I was negative and hated everything but it's just getting worse over time. There's only a hand full of people that I actually want to socialize with now and the rest of it feels like a chore. By a handful I mean 4 and one of them is in Mexico right now.

I feel like I can't go on the internet any more because so many of the people that I'm trying to get away from are everywhere around me all the time. I go on facebook and twitter and I read things and I just can't do it but I'm still at that point where I can't delete anyone and it's so frustrating.

I struggle a lot of finding commonalities and if I can't find them I feel like everything is just a waste of time in most instances. We're kept on a cusp of having everything and nothing to talk about and when we do talk I get sinking feelings of disappointment because I want it to be so much more and I know it never will be.

Maybe I should just become a hermit.

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