Friday, February 4, 2011

Something about my life.

So earlier I made a post that had absolutely nothing to do with my what so ever and I really feel like writing about my day so here goes nothing.

Second semester started today which I was really bummed about when I woke up this morning UNTIL I WALKED INTO MY GLOBAL HISTORY CLASS. It's actually going to be the best class on the face of the planet. All my friends are in it. ALL OF THEM. It has Amanda, Dresden, Sam, Aaron, Griffin, Brent, Jordan and I'm sure there's a few others. Well I guess it's not all of them. We're missing Ben, Kelly, Chisom and a few others but it's still pretty awesome. 

Physics, on the other hand, SUCKS. Candace is in it so I'm stuck sitting with her which is alright I guess but I'd rather sit by someone else. Ashley and Sonja are in it too so it's the chem group back together again with the addition of Nick which is most excellent. He's pretty cool for a grade 11. The most notable person in this class would be Garrett. Indie kid extraordinaire and friends with bearded boy. It's nice to see him sitting in front of me. He kept on glancing back, why? I don't know but it's can't be bad right?

BAND WAS SO FUNNY TODAY! Ms. D filmed our conducting exam which is rather terrifying right? YES TIMES ONE-HUNDRED THOUSAND. We watched them all today and I died laughing. Luke's was sooooooooooooooooo good! I looked bi-polar in mine and Ben's was pretty amazing. You could see me dancing in the background. I haven't laughed that hard in a while.

Last class of the day was calculus. YAY. no. It was okay. It wasn't too hard but our teacher didn't get there til halfway through the class because he had to do something with his report cards. I'm not complaining it was just really boring. He's really monotoned so I almost fell asleep a couple times but the people in my class are great. It's the same as precal only Andrew isn't in it. It's going to be lonely without him but I get to sit next to Krystine which is really neat. She's a cool cat.

When I got home I watched some lie to me and then went to blockbuster (as you already know) AND THEN FORCED MY FAMILY TO WATCH DR. HORRIBLE'S SING-ALONG BLOG. I'm soooooo in love with that movie. CAPTAIN HAMMER. OH GOD. I love the fact that he's Castle. I think it adds an extra dimension to the movie. They didn't really like it but that's okay because it's amazing. After we finished that we watched Red which was amazing. 

I spend too much time watching movies. So far this week I've watched Sense and Sensibility, Dr. Sing-Along Blog (twice), High Art, and Red. Horrible'sGah. I need a life.....NAWT.

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