Friday, February 4, 2011

Racist Food?

Today on the way home from Blockbuster my father, brother and I were listening to CBC Radio One where they were airing a story about "racist food". To commemorate Marin Luther King day Berkley was serving chicken and waffles because it is soul food. After people found out about this there was much outrage. This confuses me because I don't believe that food can be racist.

We have been over sensitized to "race issues". I mean all you need to do is look at the cover of today's chronicle herald. The fact that we dwell on a cross burning that happened last year instead of all the positive things that are going on in our community just makes me sick.

We are the ones who are making race and stereotypes an issue. Recently I heard a story about people being offended for being passed up for a job because of their weight. Yes, this is unfortunate but if their weight is an issue for an employer that might mean that there is a problem with their condition. I'm not saying that we all have to be skinny little twigs but there needs to be a line drawn somewhere. People don't want to hire unhealthy people. 

We live in a weird world right now and we are over sensitive to a lot. Not everything is an attack. We really need to chill out.

Do you have any thoughts on this issue? I'd really love to heard them.

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