Thursday, February 17, 2011

"Another day another dollar"

Yes friend, I've been to see Sloan again. It was amazing in every thinkable way. Jay smiled at me. I died. I don't really want to talk about it a lot because it's all I've been talking about for the last while but if you want to see some pictures you can go here (link supplied by Sloan themselves)

I bough some post cards today. I'm super cool

I thought they were cool. I'm going to put then on my door to make it more awesome (y)

Last but on least I posted a new look on lookbook. I actually did a description this time so I'm not going to explain it to you but defs go check it out. I'll love you forever <3

Friday, February 11, 2011


Yes, it's the moment we've all been waiting for. The start of my two week break. All the anticipation, all the failing planning, it's all come down to this! Today starts my two week veg//music experience. Books will be read, concerts will be seen, adventures will be had and coffee will be drunk!

It's going to be a pretty bomb time (other than the fact that Bearded Boy and I will probably never ever see each other which is a shame. but such is life). Aaron promised me a mixed cd for my car for after the break because he's tired of listening to Metric when we drive across the street. What a kid. I'm going to miss him and the rest of sax ensemble over the break. D: I miss them already.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I'm Choking.

Today was rather uneventful. I had off block first and caught up on my gossip, calculus which I slept through, a drama filled lunch hour, a boring global class, a physics class that I actually understood what was going on, a bad drive home, a worse dinner and an alright rehearsal at band. Let's start at the beginning shall we?

I woke up late this morning (again) so I didn't have time to shower. I'm pretty sure I stunk all day but everyone's too nice to say anything about it but that's okay. The first 15 minutes of being in school were my most productive all week, which is rather sad. I went to talk to the guidance counselor about switching from a BS to a BA and he said it doesn't really matter if I want to go into Library Sciences so all I need to do to get this all sorted out is to talk to a family friend who did FYP/BS last year to see what he thought so I can weigh the pros and cons. Then I got my essay signed by Mrs. Abbass so that I can apply for the entrance scholarship (which I probably won't get because I don't think my average is high enough but whatever). This was all before first bell.

After the bell rang Amanda, Steph and I went down to the caf because the library was too quite and it was starting to freak us out. We talked about our Junior High days. Can't say I enjoyed reliving those but whatever right? After a while Kelly joined us and told us all about everything that's going on in her life which was neat because it means that all of us are equally messed up. I had two oat meal cookies and some chocolate milk. It was great. The caf makes the best oat meal cookies. It took me months to figure out why but it's because they put rice crispies in them. It makes them soft yet chew. SO GOOD.

Second period was a bore. I love math but I can't stand the class. I makes me so sleepy and I really don't know how I stay awake. I spend the whole time doodling in the margins and talking to Ashley. It probably isn't the smartest idea but then again, I'm not that smart. I kept on forgetting that it was second period so I was really dreading my next class but Ashley kept on reminding me that it was lunch next and it made the class a little more bearable.

Lunch dragged on more than calculus. eating was cool except for the music sucked but what arose after we left made me want to claw my eyes out. Apparently all my friends have major issues with going stag to prom which I don't get. They spent the whole time bitching about how one of them ruined the others safety net, which they didn't know about. It was ridiculous! I feel really bad for the guys, they have NO idea what's coming. I've been planning on going stag for years and I guess that's out of style. Whatever, I'm going to have a great time no matter who I'm with. 

Global was boring as hell. We're learning about atomic bombs. FUN.

I WAS SO HAPPY IN PHYSICS. I actually got what we were doing today. I understand tension like nobody's business. Garrett's been sitting in front of me since I stole his seat (which I'm pretty sure he isn't to pleased about) but he's sooo funny. I guess he's really good at physics but he scoffs when people don't understand things and it kills me. I wish to befriend him but he'd never fall for it ever. 

Everything else was kinda boring until I choked on my dinner. It was terrible. I threw up. I never throw up. Cruse Marty for making me laugh.

After that whole ordeal was done and over with I went to band which was alright. Ms. D was there visiting Ms. Corbin which was super neat and me and Zach had some pretty cool bari conversations.  

Every time I drove today it snowed. Sorry Nova Scotia but any snow we get tonight is all my fault. I apologize.


I talk to much.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This Is Getting Ridiculous.

If you live in HRM you know exactly what I mean. Apperently the roads were bad this morning so maybe it was a good thing that they canceled school today but yesterday was far worse. Driving home was a pain and it was dangerous.

I know that they whole canceling school this is mostly politics not but the fact that they won't cancel school on a day that is actually dangerous but will cancel it on a day this is really nice (but rather cold) just won't do. We're in high school, we can drive and a lot of us don't have a lot of experience with winter driving and bad tires. It's just a bad idea to keep us in school on those days.

In all honesty I am glad we don't have school today. I've been saying this for the past two weeks but I'm so over school right now. I'm ready for the break to be here and there's only two days left before I stay out late and have a great time (and read lots of books). The only thing that could make the coming days better would be if The Weakerthans were playing here during the Feb break. That would be sweet. 

Monday, February 7, 2011


TODAY WAS THE MOST AMAZING DAY EVER. I normally hate Mondays but today was so good it makes me love them.

My morning classes weren't that great, I'd go as far to say they were boring but lunch time was SO GOOD! I chilled with Sam today at lunch and we were catching up. I told her about the situation with Bearded Boy and about how I made my prom dress which she was quite excited about. AND THEN ME AND HIM MADE THE BEST EYE CONTACT EVER. It was right after the first bell rang after lunch. It was one of those times were you both turn your heads. I really hope he messages me soon

AND THEN WHEN I GOT HOME I HAD A LETTER FROM KING'S. I ALMOST HAD A HEART ATTACK BECAUSE I WAS AFRAID THAT I HADN'T GOTTEN IN BUT THEN I OPENED IT AND IT SAID "On behalf of the Dean of The University of King's College I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into the bachelor of science and foundation year program." OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT. I ACTUALLY JUMPED UP AND DOWN (mostly because there was no one home) I WAS SO HAPPY. and then my father didn't answer the phone and I walked the dog.

That was all the amazing that one day can handle other than the super hard sax ensemble music that we were reading today. It's going to take some work but we did really good for sight reading. I really want to say that tomorrow is going to be even better than today but I haven't done any of my homework yet and I doubt I will unless I can't sleep...again.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Piano and Dinner.

So today is Sunday (yesterday when I woke up I thought it was Sunday and nearly had a heart attack) and as the majority of my Sundays go it was pretty low key. I woke up at noon, ate a muffin watched Dog Whisperer and then practice some piano. All of that was procrastination that continued through the day until around two when I finally got down to actually doing the dreaded homework I was assigned of Friday. I decided to opt. out of doing the physics stuff because my heads still foggy and I don't know what the questions are asking me for but i did do all my calculus work which is excellent.

Tonight my grandmother is coming over for dinner which is super exciting. My Grandmother is one of my family members that I get along the best with. With both share a love for music and a greater love for Chopin and I can't wait to see her how much better I am at waltz, op. 64 no. 2 in C Sharp Minor. 

it's really beautiful and I've been killing my hands over it all week so I hope she's impressed. Someday you might here it to seeing as though I'm an attention whore and like to take videos of me playing so that everyone can tell me how good I am. ...You probably will

As you know I'm also learning Fantasie Impromptu right now which I don't know if I'll ever finish. It's harder than I thought and I don't know if I can get the hands together. But I won't give up. I must win.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Something about my life.

So earlier I made a post that had absolutely nothing to do with my what so ever and I really feel like writing about my day so here goes nothing.

Second semester started today which I was really bummed about when I woke up this morning UNTIL I WALKED INTO MY GLOBAL HISTORY CLASS. It's actually going to be the best class on the face of the planet. All my friends are in it. ALL OF THEM. It has Amanda, Dresden, Sam, Aaron, Griffin, Brent, Jordan and I'm sure there's a few others. Well I guess it's not all of them. We're missing Ben, Kelly, Chisom and a few others but it's still pretty awesome. 

Physics, on the other hand, SUCKS. Candace is in it so I'm stuck sitting with her which is alright I guess but I'd rather sit by someone else. Ashley and Sonja are in it too so it's the chem group back together again with the addition of Nick which is most excellent. He's pretty cool for a grade 11. The most notable person in this class would be Garrett. Indie kid extraordinaire and friends with bearded boy. It's nice to see him sitting in front of me. He kept on glancing back, why? I don't know but it's can't be bad right?

BAND WAS SO FUNNY TODAY! Ms. D filmed our conducting exam which is rather terrifying right? YES TIMES ONE-HUNDRED THOUSAND. We watched them all today and I died laughing. Luke's was sooooooooooooooooo good! I looked bi-polar in mine and Ben's was pretty amazing. You could see me dancing in the background. I haven't laughed that hard in a while.

Last class of the day was calculus. YAY. no. It was okay. It wasn't too hard but our teacher didn't get there til halfway through the class because he had to do something with his report cards. I'm not complaining it was just really boring. He's really monotoned so I almost fell asleep a couple times but the people in my class are great. It's the same as precal only Andrew isn't in it. It's going to be lonely without him but I get to sit next to Krystine which is really neat. She's a cool cat.

When I got home I watched some lie to me and then went to blockbuster (as you already know) AND THEN FORCED MY FAMILY TO WATCH DR. HORRIBLE'S SING-ALONG BLOG. I'm soooooo in love with that movie. CAPTAIN HAMMER. OH GOD. I love the fact that he's Castle. I think it adds an extra dimension to the movie. They didn't really like it but that's okay because it's amazing. After we finished that we watched Red which was amazing. 

I spend too much time watching movies. So far this week I've watched Sense and Sensibility, Dr. Sing-Along Blog (twice), High Art, and Red. Horrible'sGah. I need a life.....NAWT.

Racist Food?

Today on the way home from Blockbuster my father, brother and I were listening to CBC Radio One where they were airing a story about "racist food". To commemorate Marin Luther King day Berkley was serving chicken and waffles because it is soul food. After people found out about this there was much outrage. This confuses me because I don't believe that food can be racist.

We have been over sensitized to "race issues". I mean all you need to do is look at the cover of today's chronicle herald. The fact that we dwell on a cross burning that happened last year instead of all the positive things that are going on in our community just makes me sick.

We are the ones who are making race and stereotypes an issue. Recently I heard a story about people being offended for being passed up for a job because of their weight. Yes, this is unfortunate but if their weight is an issue for an employer that might mean that there is a problem with their condition. I'm not saying that we all have to be skinny little twigs but there needs to be a line drawn somewhere. People don't want to hire unhealthy people. 

We live in a weird world right now and we are over sensitive to a lot. Not everything is an attack. We really need to chill out.

Do you have any thoughts on this issue? I'd really love to heard them.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow days

So as you may or may not know last week was exam week. Exam week, one of the most dreaded weeks of the whole year. Monday review, Tuesday precal, Wednesday English Provincial, Thursday SNOW DAY, Friday, conducting,WEEKEND, Monday chem, Tuesday PD day, Wednesday SNOW DAY, Thursday SNOW DAY, Friday full day (it should have been a half day but Lundi sucks.).

yea so my week is looking up. I haven't been to school in 3 days and there's only one week left to the February break which is pretty sweet.

I still have a lot of half plans for Feb break. There's a lot of thing that I want to do but nothing that's really been completely planned.

There's going to be a lot of chilling with different people, concerts and lazing around but I don't know who with and at what times. It's really starting to get to me. I like everything to be planned out because if it's not then I end up sitting in my room all day blogging about things that no one cares about.   

so anyways I really hope that the next few days goes well. There has been promise of coffee from a certin bearded boy and me and Dresden are friends again so things are looking up (for now.).