I thought that my addiction to the internet was holding me back from doing cool fun things with my friends but I didn't realize that that was only the tip of the ice burg. This semester at school I am taking Pre Calculus, Chemistry. English and Band and the amount of homework I am getting on a nightly bases its not so dissimilar to the amount of homework your average IB kid might get. I'm talking about between 2 and 3 hours a night working on things for the next day not to mention the next week (that's what I've been spending the majority of today on. We have to write a compare and contrast essay on "The Closer You Get To Canada The More Things Will Eat Your Horses" by Thomas Cain and "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson at some point this week after we have a class discussion about it on Monday and right now I'm doing the prep work which involves not being able to highlight anything on the page and having to write down every important quote with page and paragraph number so I can reference it later when I go to write it in an essay format.)
So I've been kinda busy lately. When I'm doing homework I'm on msn most of the time just so I don't kill my brain so I still get to talk to my friends but it's been a week since I've actually spent any time with them and I feel rather bad about it because I have to keep saying "No, I can't go out today because I have homework that I need to do". I mean they must feel pretty fustrated that I can never do anything because I'm either broke (I need to get a job) or because I'm too busy thinking I don't understand what to do for my Pre Calculus homework that I can't leave my house until i have a slight understanding of it.
This is a very long way of saying that high school sucks and I hope my work load lightens soon but I highly doubt it. Leave me something to brighten my day? I'd love you forever.
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