So! Tuesday is day 2 (we work on a four day schedule at my school. Monday is always day one (ABCD), Tuesday day two (BADC), Wednesday day three (DCBA), Thursday day four (CDAB)and Friday rotates. It makes zero sense but whatevski) which means my day goes Pre Calculus (B block), Chemistry (A block), Lunch, English (D block) and Off Block (C block)! I love having off last. It's way better than having it first (because I'm in band I only have off every second day which means I only ever have it first and last. It's pretty sweet.). Other than the fact that I start the day with PreCal (it's totally mind crippling) it's my favourite day of the week. I have English last and I get to hang around and do nothing afterwards.
❒ Math Assignment (Due Friday)
❒ Test Corrections (Due Friday)
❒ Study For Chem Test (Tomorrow)
❒ Math Homework (Tomorrow)
❒ English Essay (Due Friday)
❒ Chem Lab (Tomorrow)
❒ News Paper Article written and submitted (At lunch today…it wasn’t done…)
❒ Pictures To Go With Everyone Else’s Articles (Before morning)
I started by doing my chem lab because I really don't want to fail that (it would be devestating) and then I had to go pick up the van from my dads work. Of course, me being the person that I am, I had to procrastinate about doing the chem lab so the list grew a little longer...
❒ Math Assignment (Due Friday)
❒ Test Corrections (Due Friday)
❒ Study For Chem Test (Tomorrow)
❒ Math Homework (Tomorrow)
❒ English Essay (Due Friday)
✔ Chem Lab (Tomorrow)
❒ News Paper Article written and submitted (At lunch today…it wasn’t done…)
❒ Pictures To Go With Everyone Else’s Articles (Before morning) ✔ Piano Practicing (Tomorrow)
✔ Pick Car Up
Then I got back home, ate and had a mini-heart attack about writing my article for the school news paper (it was about band. I might post it later...It depends on whether or not it gets into the paper) and finding pictures or the other articles that are going into this months issue (I'm the photography rep for the paper so I'm in charge of all the pictures that go into it. And the list grew longer..
❒ Math Assignment (Due Friday)
❒ Test Corrections (Due Friday)
❒ Study For Chem Test (Tomorrow)
❒ Math Homework (Tomorrow)
❒ English Essay (Due Friday)
✔ Chem Lab (Tomorrow)
✔ Piano Practicing (Tomorrow)
✔ Pick Car Up
✔ News Paper Article written and submitted (At lunch today…it wasn’t done…)
✔ Pictures To Go With Everyone Else’s Articles (Before morning)
✔ Band (tonight)
I wasn't terribly disappointed that the list was growing because everything that I added to it got check off. I felt like I was getting stuff done and I kinda was. Just not some of the things that I should be focusing on *coughcoughprecalcough*. At band I got my bestie Amanda to look over my article and give me back my English essay (she likes to edit and I need my stuff to be edited so she reads it over and we talk about changes I can make. It's really beneficial for both of us.). She really liked them both so when I got home I made a few changes to my essay and sent Mr. Aucoin (the teacher advisor for the news paper) my article. More things got check off.
❒ Math Assignment (Due Friday)
❒ Test Corrections (Due Friday)
❒ Study For Chem Test (Tomorrow)
❒ Math Homework (Tomorrow)
✔ English Essay (Due Friday)
✔ Chem Lab (Tomorrow)
✔ Piano Practicing (Tomorrow)
✔ Pick Car Up
✔ Band (tonight)
✔ News Paper Article written and submitted (At lunch today…it wasn’t done…)
✔ Pictures To Go With Everyone Else’s Articles (Before morning)
✔ Tim's Coffee (What I need if I’m going to survive tonight)
We went to Tim's on the way home to grab some coffee because I was feeling very decaffeinated and I needed coffee so I could get through the rest of the work that I needed to do. I finished off the night with a rush of math. I got my homework done and *most* of the Independent study done (I say most because I think I did a few questions wrong and I couldn't get number 10. But I'll clear that up tomorrow when I talk to my friends.
▲ Math Assignment (Due Friday)
❒ Test Corrections (Due Friday)
❒ Study For Chem Test (Tomorrow)
✔ Math Homework (Tomorrow)
✔ English Essay (Due Friday)
✔ Chem Lab (Tomorrow)
✔ Piano Practicing (Tomorrow)
✔ Pick Car Up
✔ Band (tonight)
✔ News Paper Article written and submitted (At lunch today…it wasn’t done…)
✔ Pictures To Go With Everyone Else’s Articles (Before morning)
✔ Tim's Coffee (What I need if I’m going to survive tonight)
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