Thursday, January 13, 2011

snow snow go away, if you do die I may.

That might not make much sense but away and day rhyme and that's whats really important. Can't have a lame blog without somewhat interesting titles now can we?

Yesterday we got hit by a snow storm and everyone was convinced that we wouldn't have school but for once our city pulled through and everything was opened today. Go figure. I was sure that we were going to have school. About an hour in t switched from small flakes to big flakes and you know what they say, Small flakes big snow, Big flakes small snow. That might only be for the Atlantic Provinces but whatever. FUN FACT! The Atlantic Provinces statistically speaking get more snow annually than any of the other province in Canada. It doesn't seem like it if you live here because it comes and goes so fast but it's still something to say. Our weather is really weird.

Exams are in two weeks. I'm so nervous there are no words for it. I have visions of chemical equations gone wrong, skips stepped in proof and beats missed while conducting. I can't wait for this month to be over. 

On the bright side I might get an exemption! WOOO! GOOD BYE PRECAL! But I need to double check that >.>. I also got my schedaul for next semester. Global History, Physics, Band/off and Calculus. Terrifying. My friend Ashley from Chem/precal is in my physics and calculus class and a lot a lot of my friends are in my Global class so it should be a great time.

I wish exams would hurry up and get here so I could get them over with and move on with my life. They're such a bother.

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