First term is coming to a close and it couldn't happen too soon. I have one exam left to write tomorrow. It's chem and it's going to be brutal but I'm not going out without a fight and a lot of procrastination.
Seeing that the term is almost over we must celebrate! unfortunately the celebrating isn't going to start for another two weeks with out FEBRUARY BREAK. I hated the idea of it at the beginning of the year, I mean what am I going to do for two week? FREE CONCERTS THAT'S WHAT. I'm so pumped! party all day, party all night. chill with cool people and maybe even have some coffee with a certain bearded boy who shall not be named (SO PHYSCED.). It's going to be crazy
Of course me and my friends need a good end to this break so the weekend after it's all done and over we're having a tea party. A nice civilized afternoon where we sit around a table dressed in our Sunday best sippin tea and eating sweets. I might be more excited for this than any of the concerts. This summer for my birthday I had a tea party and it was a major success so I have high expectations for this gathering of awesomeness.