Saturday, February 23, 2013

Missed Replies

I feel lost in a world that has forgotten me, that never took the time to know me.

It’s not just this time that I haven’t been answered, it’s all of them compounded into one. All those responses to responses that never came saying “hey, I know you’re busy but maybe if we could talk sometime” because being polite about being forgotten is the only way to be.

Because somehow it always feels like your fault even though you couldn’t do anything about it.

You’re the one that was waiting. You’re the one with unrealistic expectations. You’re the one that if you waited for another three days maybe they would have answered and wouldn’t have made everyone feel worse. You’re the one that has to deal with the somewhat false apologies from people who don’t feel bad that they’ve forgotten you but embarrassed because you called them out on it.

And you told them you’re always free. It doesn’t really matter when they answer. You won’t be doing anything.

But what they don’t know is that what you did with all that free time was wait in vain for that answer that never came.

This is complied again on top of all the promises that have been broken, all the words that were spoken false, all the lies that have been said to you without a small sign of remorse.

And under all of that there you are with that heart crushing feeling that maybe if you were different it wouldn’t, couldn’t be like this. That people might care more or forget you less. Treat you more like a person and less like a fixture that isn’t going anywhere. Think that maybe you feel too.

Think that you have more worth than a frame wearing clothes, a repository of information, a sprouter of facts when they’re needed, a rememberer of dates when they’re forgotten, the one that’s early when everyone else is late, the one who sits and waits, the one who whispered the ideas in your ear, the one who acts behind everything and lets you be the face.

It’s always more than that one missed reply, that one missed hi. It’s all of them and the useless feeling that they became. The one that tells you you’re not good enough even though you know you are. The one that tells you that when you said that no one listened but when they said it they will so you should give that idea to someone else to take. The one that tells you you’re alone and you can’t fix it.

And when you tell anyone they will always tell you that’s not the case because that’s what we’re told to believe. That everyone loves one another, that we are a we and that there are no solitary I’s.
So there’s this feeling of being alone in a world that never got to know you, that doesn’t want to know you because they know that you don’t fit the mold.

The worse thing is that the next time they don’t answer it will be the same and you’ll always think if I waited those extra three days it would have been different, it would be different if I was different.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

As Promised

Seeing that I've decided in my infinate wisdom not to sleep tonight [it's 6.18 AM currently], I figured now would be the perfect time to get into the nitty gritty of this past semester.

I must say, it has been pretty great. I loved all my courses except for my English whose professor was terrible and makes me want to transfer into philosophy and I've done fairly well in all my courses. My exams were easy and all my profs were pretty good except for the aforementioned. I'm really excited to go back and see my friends again and resume my studies.

Last semester I took Beginners French and Astronomy, both of which will be continuing; the Ancient Science section of my History of Science course; Listening to Classical Music; and British Literature Before 1800, all of which were interesting or at least appeared to be when I enrolled in them. This semester I'm continuing on in French and Astronomy; moving into Medieval Science; The Foundations of Science Fiction, for an English credit; and Science and Totalitarianism which I've been excited for since I enrolled in it last spring. I think it's going to be a good semester.

But you may be wondering what made last semester so great? My courses were awesome but it must be more than that. You'd be right in this thinking. I met a great many people this semester, all of whom are really awesome and I'd now include amongst my closer friends. To add to the joy of gaining new people in my life, I've also had more success than I have in the past with getting some of the unwanted people to leave me alone, or at least more alone than they had before.

I have started a mildly successful quote blog with my of my friend and I watched a great many wonderful films which I can't even begin to remember or discuss in length, for if I did we'd be here all day.

I also guess I should mention that I have made some new year resolutions again this year, 3 of them to be precise. I'd like to lose some weight, but who doesn't; I'd like to remember to blog more; and I'd like to see more of my friends. I guess I could include wanting to get better and grammar and punctuation, but I have a feeling that will be thrust upon me whether I want it to be or not, though I do believe that in the last semester I've made great strides to become a better writer even if my English prof may disagree on this point.

Luckily I don't go back to class until the 7th otherwise I'd be royally screwed right now seeing that I'm still awake and it's now 6.30 am, about the time I'd be waking up on a normal day to get ready to go to school if I slept in for a half hour. Hopefully with tonight's shenanigans I'll be able to right my sleeping schedule.

Anyways, I think I should stop writing now. I hope you all had a lovely new year, I know I did. May 2013 be better for all of us, especially my blog.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year

Okay, so ignoring the fact that I never blog anymore, here is a post of my year in review and how awesome I am.

January: Not much happened.

Feburary: Bus strike, my life sucked

March: I remember this month being awesome, but not why it was awesome.

April: EXAMS

May: Got hired at Climate Technical Gear

June: TURNED 19! Party all the time

July: Olympics?

August: Went camping, stopped working.

September: Started my second year of university and met some really cool people who are now my friends

October: I threw up for the first time in 7 years, Had my wisdom teeth out.

November: my dog died.

Decemeber: I finished my reading challenge, My grandmother had her gallbladder out, I helped my other grandmother decorate her tree and made her Christmas good,  EXAMS, Christmas which was awesome, visited Pictou, celebrated New Years with my family at my Aunt and Uncle's and had the best new year in a while.

So here's to 2013. I'll be posting again soon to elaborate on my first semester of awesomeness.