Wednesday, July 28, 2010
A Blog About Books On The Blog Not About Book.
I've always loved reading. Over my lifetime I've probably read close to 2000 books (That's not including books that I've reread. That doesn't happen too often unless it was really really good and then there's a year of buffer zone to let the story line to fade a little. I have a very good memory for plots. I can summarize any book that I've read in the last 16 months very well. If the book is extremely good I can remember everything that happens in it for years afterwards even if I can't remember the titles.). Every Christmas I would always get four or five books. I believe my obsession with purchasing them started when I was in grade primary. I don't know if your school had it but mine had this lovely thing called the book order. Scholastic put out a sort of catalogue once a month with 40 titles in it. Each month the titles were different and you could get a book for about $4 and if you were lucky it came with a small toy that was related to the books. Once a month my parents would shell out around $10 to buy me a few books to read to me and to have me read (at that point I still wasn't the biggest fan of reading because I couldn't read fast enough and I didn't like to do things that took up a lot of time. I'm still very much that way but I've learned more patience and I can stick with things now). Over the years my book collection grew month by month and the books got more expensive and I starting getting a monthly allowance for making my bed and keeping my room tidy. Instead of saving the dollar I got to spend on sweet I would save them and buy books. As my allowance grew so did the buying. My parents started refusing to buy me books claiming I had too many. So I kept saving and kept buying. Christmas and birthdays became some of the best days of the year because there was always the hopes of new books or money to buy them with and my collection grew.
Then I read the Hobbit. I was enthralled when I opened it. I still remember what it looked like. I got it from the library. It was 6th edition with colour illustrations in mint condition. I devoured ever word and picture of that book and it quickly became my favourite. It came time to return that book my heart broke a little. Parting with suck a lovely book just wasn't an option for me. I started pressing my parents for a copy of the 6th edition with the colour illustrations in it. I looked it up on eBay and found a nicely priced one in England. It was the only one that didn't cost an arm and a leg that was in excellent condition. No dice. I was Hobbit-less. I went to the library and found that lovely copy of the 6th edition again only to find it in shambles. I was heart broken that one of the last people to rent that piece of art was so careless with it. I took it back to the library and showed them the damage and told them if they couldn't fix it I would buy it from them (they have a yearly sale. It's not an odd request). They replied simply that it would be sent in for repairs. I left again heavy heartily and Hobbit-less. I was starting to lose hope. I search the used book stores, thrift stores and many other locations for the book but I could never find it. Then two years ago on my birthday I opened a package from my parents and there it was. A 6th edition of the Hobbit with the coloured book sleeve with minimal damage considering how old it was. I quickly leafed through only to find that the illustrations were in black and white but that didn't matter. i had the book that I searched for years for and I couldn't be happier.
That was when I started referring to my books as "my collection". The Hobbit was the joy of my collection and it is still one of them. I started buying more and more books and looking for older ones to make the value of my collection go up. That's when my problem got to where it is today. I'm like a shark that smells blood when I walk into chapters. I see the books and smell the coffee, paper and ink and I get all ruffled and need to buy everything in my line of sight. In the past year I've probably spent well over $600 just on books.
I have a problem. It's not getting better. But with every book I buy I feel a sense of calm knowing that that edition of that book by whatever author with be taken care of and preserved for future generations. People think the age of print is dying. I'm not going to let it.
If you like this check out the other blog. It's all about the books I read. link's in the side bar :)
How Optimistic Are You?//What Animal are you? (I need to spend less time on the interenet >.>)
I got "Scattered Showers"
apperently "My view of life is relatively balanced, but I lean more toward pessimism than optimism. Look on the bright side, though--I think negatively about the short-term but that doesn't seem to affect my view of life in general."
pfft yea right.
"Mountain goat personalities are very much loners. Observing the goings-on from their unique perch, they are consummate voyeurs and when mingling with other terrestrial animal personalities they feel uncomfortable and vulnerable. After brief forays into their world, they must return to their place of security.
Balance is a critical component of a mountain goat's life, and they are moderate in every facet of their behavior. With conservative family values, their politics are middle of the road, and their even-keeled life has similar characteristics to that of their cousin the sheep. However, there's an air of eccentricity about a mountain goat, and this is reflected in their unusually decorated homes.
Nimble of foot and quick of mind, mountain goats are adept at extricating themselves from tricky situations. Usually though, they're responsible for getting into these predicaments in the first place and have a habit of not learning from their mistakes. Although intelligent, they do not have much in the way of street smarts and could be considered naive. This is probably due to a lack of real-world experience.
A creature of gossip, mountain goats subscribe to the rumor mill that includes tabloid magazines and TV shows in an attempt to better understand the world of the terrestrial personalities. They love to watch soap operas and other shows depicting the tumult of human relationships. With this affin-ty for intrigue and gossip, they would make a great movie critics, writers, hairdressers or tabloid journalists.
If you're looking for a scout guide or hiking partner, this sure-footed beast is an ideal choice. However, its talents as a leader are suspect. Because of its solitary existence, it does not have the insight into human behavior that is required for leadership. Mountain goats are not risk takers and need to feel solid ground beneath their feet before making any major decision. Mia Farrow is an exemplary mountain goat who manages to maintain her balance while snakes and rock-falls threaten to dislodge her grip on life."
Yea so I could be a mountain goat. I like moutians and I've always been a fan of goats. What Animal Are You?
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Seeing that I suck at this art of writing down useless stuff that no one really cares about I am going to talk about one of my newer obsessions. Glee.
When I first heard about it being the stuck up snob I am I decided that I hated the show and refused to watch it. Then my lovely mother decided to start watching it. Just my luck eh? She had me sit down through one full episode (don't ask me what halfway through the second season) and I saw Sue. That pretty much sealed the deal. If they have someone that crazy in the show it can't be bad and I slowly got sucked in. Where does this woe some tale end you may be wondering. Well, my friends, it ends in my spending my parents lovely money to rent the first season of Glee from our friendly neighbourhood Blockbuster (so much love for that fine establishment.). unfortunately we only got the first four episode and I'm burning through them faster than a flash fire eats through a forest in the south west states. By that I mean I got it today and already watched the first three episodes. This is quite worrisome. I mean I only have one left before I am Glee-less again. How will I survive? Here's a hint: I won't. Any cooping techniques would be greatly appreciate.
That's the state of my new love affair with that lovely box that sits upstairs called the television. Also been watching more Doctor Who than I really should (Space Channel? Win? Well if you don't think so then I'm going to have to beat you up. I mean where can you get Supernatural, Star Trek, Doctor Who and Fringe all in one place? (they have lots of other good shows too I'm just really brain dead right now.))
Anyways...Not much more to say. My life is a bore. Going to paint a plate on Monday. Pictures to follow. :D
Saturday, July 10, 2010
ramble ramble ramble.
I know who I want that somebody to be, but I dont know if that person is all of this. I feel like they've let me now multiple times and it hurts me, cuts me up, and leaves me lying in that ditch in that remote province of that country that even I don't know the name for.
My heart is disfigured. Please accept it.
Blogging FAIL
It's summer now. Thank god. Unfortunately I've done next to nothing so far. I've read two books, went to the beach once (it was today. I got a sun burn. It hurts), did a little yoga, rearranged my furniture and had a water fight. All of this happened this week. I feel like I'm wasting my life away but I have no idea what to do with all this spare time. I tried to get a job (if you ask my mother she'll say I didn't try, but that's a lie. I applied for two jobs and got one interview and a PFO (quoting my lovely Uncle Mark after I told him that the library called and told me I was not the successful applicant but I had a good interview and they would like me to apply for the next available position that fits in with my schedule. He also told me not to tell my parents that. they wouldn't appreciate it too much.)
Speaking of my Uncle, him and my aunt got back from France on Monday. I haven't seen him yet or had a chance to talk to him about how their time in France was yet but I'm glad they're back in Nova Scotia for a month before the head back to British Columbia to get ready for the upcoming school year (they're both teachers. I really wish that they lived closer. Maybe when they retire?). Uncle Mark has called me several times since him and my aunt returned. I really like talking to him we get along well. He asks me about my school and music and what I have planned for next year and University. I feel like he actually gets me (unlike my mother. My father is pretty good at understanding me but it's kinda shaky sometimes) and care about what I want to do with my life. I know my mum cares about it but she hasn't have as much world experience as my father or my uncle. She went to nursing school a long time ago when it wasn't overly difficult to get into. She didn't have to apply for the job that she has now and her interview was a mass interview where they interviewed ten students at once at the school because they had to fill several positions. She doesn't really understand why I'm so stressed about trying to get into a university or about getting a job because she never really had to go through any of that. My dad and uncle have though so it's easier to talk to them about it.
Well I guess I had more to talk about then I thought I did. Go figure. I should do this more often.
Until next time!
P.S. Don't forget to check out my other blog and my Tumblr. They're both getting off the ground (far better than this one did) and I do believe you'll find them more enjoyable! Ciao! <3